Phalcon Framework (A full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C-extension)
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Basic Fetures
Low overhead
- C-extensions are loaded together
with PHP one time on the web server’s daemon start process
- Classes and functions provided by
the extension are ready to use for any application
- The code is compiled and isn’t
interpreted because is already compiled to a specific platform and
- Thanks to its low-level
architecture and optimizations Phalcon provides the lowest overhead for
MVC-based applications
Build single and multi-module applications with ease and pleasure. Using
the file structure, scheme and patterns you already know.
Dependency Injection
Phalcon is built upon a powerful yet
easy to understand and use pattern called Dependency Injection. Initialize or
define services once - and use them virtually anywhere throughout the
RESTful services
Writing REST servers and applications
has never been easier. No boilerplate. Simple services will fit in one file.
Universal Class Loader
Register namespaces, prefixes,
directories or classes. Take advantage of Autoloader events and maintain full
controll over the business logic using Autoloader configuration.
Routing as it supposed to be. Nothing
more. Nothing less.
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