Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to fetch records from Mysql Databae

The important technique in php is to fetch records from the database to list the data you need to used following php functions

  1. mysql_connect : to connect the mysql server with apache server
  2. mysql_select_db : to connect to a particular database in the mysql server
  3. mysql_query  : to fire a query in the database.
  4. mysql_num_rows to find the number of records in a recordset which is derived from query fired.
  5. mysql_fetch_array to fetch array from record set.
  6. mysql_fetch_assoc  to fetch row from associative array.
  7. mysql_fetch_row  to  fetch row from record set.
  8. mysql_fetch_object  to fetch the data as object generally use to fetch large data
  9. mysql_close close mysql connection   
Step by step we can use this functions to fetch data from Database 

 Using while loop

$recordset = mysql_query("select * from DBTABLE"); 
while ($record= mysql_fetch_array($recordset ) { 
                echo "user_id: ".$record["db_field_name"]."<br />\n"; // as in database
                echo "user_id: ".$record[0]."<br />\n"; // in key value as in array

This will fetch the database values from dbtable and retrieve list of particular db_field_name

Using for while loop and mysql_fetch_object
$recordset = mysql_query("select * from DBTABLE"); 

while ($record= mysql_fetch_object($recordset )) { 
         echo $record->db_field_name

Using for loop
$record= mysql_fetch_array($recordset );
$count=count($record) ;
for($i = 0;$i< $count ; $i ++)
                 echo "user_id: ".$record[$i]["db_field_name"]."<br />\n"; // as in database
 we will go through other function later...

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